


  • Giorni di apertura
    Da martedì a domenica
  • Orario di apertura
    da martedì a sabato         8.30 – 19.30
  • Orari di apertura
    domenica e festivi     10.00 – 18.00
  • Chiusura    1 gennaio, 25 dicembre
  • Aperture straordinarie Festivalfilosofia
  • Opening days
    from March 24th to December 31st, 2023
  • Opening hours
    from Tuesday to Sunday (including midweek holidays) 10.00 – 18.00
  • Last admission one hour before closing
  • Closure
    December 25th and January 1st, 2024
  • Giorni di apertura
    Da martedì a domenica
  • Orario di apertura
    da martedì a sabato         8.30 – 19.30
  • Orari di apertura
    domenica e festivi     10.00 – 18.00
  • Chiusura    1 gennaio, 25 dicembre
  • Aperture straordinarie Festivalfilosofia
  • Giorni di apertura
    Da martedì a domenica
  • Orario di apertura
    da martedì a sabato         8.30 – 19.30
  • Orari di apertura
    domenica e festivi     10.00 – 18.00
  • Chiusura    1 gennaio, 25 dicembre
  • Aperture straordinarie Festivalfilosofia

“One of the most important Baroque residences in northern Italy”

The story of the Palazzo goes back in time, probably dating back to the time of Matilde of Tuscany. During the thirteenth century, it was recorded as part of the Della Rosa kingdom until the Este conquest of 1373. It was the Marquis (and later Duke) of Ferrara himself, Borso d’Este, who initiated the works to convert the Palazzo from a fortified manor into a court residence which included the frescoes by Agnolo and Bartolomeo degli Erri, now lost. For the whole of the sixteenth century the building was in the possession of the Pio di Carpi family with work carried out by artists such as Nicolò dell’Abate (in the lost Appartamento di Orlando) and Domenico Carnevali (whose frescoes in the Camera della Cancelleria only survive in fragments). The castle eventually returned once again into the Este’s possession and became a strategic seat for Francesco I d’Este’s new approach to politics. After the House of Este moved its capital from Ferrara to Modena, Francesco I converted the residence in Sassuolo into a Baroque palace whilst simultaneously transforming the Este castle in Modena into the colossal urban Palazzo Ducale. Under the team of artists gathered by the Duke, the Palazzo’s environment was transformed and re-orientated towards natural light and views of the foothills: the corner towers were made into panoramic terraces; the courtyard became a theatrical space populated with a gigantic river god designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Antonio Raggi; and an arcade of three staggered archways gave the illusion of symmetry on the building’s new Baroque façade, opening it up towards the town. Bartolomeo Avanzini and scenographer Gaspare Vigarani designed bizarre creations such as the fish pond (the “Fontanazzo” adjacent to the piazza) whilst sculptors and plasterers such as Lattanzio Maschio, Luca Colombi and Giovanni Lazzoni worked to produce sculptures for the atrium, Scalone d’Onore and Appartamento Stuccato. 

Getting here

The Ducal Palace of Sassuolo is located in Piazzale Della Rosa in the heart of the historic centre of Sassuolo.

Piazzale della Rosa, 10
41049 Sassuolo (MO)
Italiatel. 0536801655

15 minutes from the Railway Station and a stone’s throw from the central Piazza Garibaldi.

By train
From Modena (FS central Railway Station) and from Reggio Emilia (FS central Railway Station). For more information phone F.E.R (Ferrovie Emilia Romagna) on 840151152.

By bus
Connections from Modena and Reggio Emilia are guaranteed by public transport which makes multiple journeys throughout the day. For more information phone S.E.T.A (Società Emiliana Trasporti Autofiloviari) on 840 000 216.

By car
Exit the A1 motorway at ‘Modena Nord’ taking the bypass to then follow signposting for Sassuolo. 

Recommended Parking
Piazza Martiri Partigiani and Piazza Libertà (except Tuesday and Friday mornings due to market days and Sundays in October). 
In the station area in Reggio Emilia, Via Radici in Monte. 
In the station area in Modena, Via Radici in Piano.

Opening days

from March 28th to December 31st, 2025


Opening hours

from Tuesday to Sunday (including midweek holidays) 10.00 – 18.00
Last admission one hour before closing


December 25th and January 1st


Ordinary public holidays: 10.00am – 6.00pm
All Saints’ Day: Friday 1 November
Immaculate Conception: Sunday 8 December
Boxing Day: Thursday 26 December


Reservation required at the Palazzo Ducale Ticket Office tel. 389 2673365 (from Tuesday to Sunday 10.00-18.00)


    • Regular – 8 €
    • Reduced young (18-25) – 2 €
    • Combined Galleria Estense and Palazzo Ducale di Sassuolo – 10 €
    • Free for children under 18
    • Click here to find out about all the other cases of reductions or free tickets
    • Open to the public with free admission every first Sunday of the month and on 25 April, 2 June and 4 November 2024.


Entrance to museums, monuments, galleries and archaeological areas of the State is free for all citizens of the European Union, under the age of 18.

Visitors with special needs and a family member or other companion with proof they belong to social or health care services, in accordance with Ministerial Decree 507/97 updated by Ministerial Decree 13/2019 and Law 104/92, are offered free and priority admission.

Access for visitors with mobility issues is provided via a lift that stops on the first floor. The main floor itinerary is entirely accessible, facilitated by front-of-house staff. There is an accessible toilet next to the lift.


The iPhone app to the Official Palace of Sassuolo is available on the iTunes Store and Google Play.

The app, as well as providing useful information on opening hours and tickets, is designed to introduce you to highlights of the museum using iBeacon technology. The app will lead you through the palace’s rooms, offering different content depending on where you are located.