


Lift – Bookshop

  • Giorni di apertura
    Da martedì a domenica
  • Orario di apertura
    da martedì a sabato         8.30 – 19.30
  • Orari di apertura
    domenica e festivi     10.00 – 18.00
  • Chiusura    1 gennaio, 25 dicembre
  • Aperture straordinarie Festivalfilosofia
  • Da lunedì a venerdì
    8.00 – 19.30
  • Sabato
    8.30 – 19.30
  • Domenica
    10.00 – 19.30
  • from December 27th to December 31st 2021
    Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8.30-14.00;
    Tuesday and Thursday 8.30-17.00.

    from 3 January to 7 January 2022
    Monday and Wednesday 8.30-17.00;
    Tuesday and Friday 8.30-14.00.

Estense Digital Library

Palazzo dei Musei
Sala Mostre, piano terra
Galleria Estense, quarto piano
Largo Porta Sant’Agostino, 337
41121 Modena (MO) Italia
tel. 0594395711

  • Giorni di apertura
    Da martedì a domenica
  • Orario di apertura
    da martedì a sabato         8.30 – 19.30
  • Orari di apertura
    domenica e festivi     10.00 – 18.00
  • Chiusura    1 gennaio, 25 dicembre
  • Aperture straordinarie Festivalfilosofia

A dynastic library par excellence, the Biblioteca Estense was created at the behest of the Este family―Lords of Ferrara―as early as the late fourteenth century, the two remaining closely intertwined until the dissolution of the duchy and unification of Italy. The Library, now a Biblioteca Nazionale, moved to its location at the Palazzo dei Musei in 1882 and became part of the new Gallerie Estensi Museum in 2016.


Getting here

The Biblioteca Estense Universitaria is located on the second floor of the Palazzo dei Musei, in Largo Porta Sant’Agostino n. 337 in Modena. It can be reached by elevator and is also accessible from the entrance without architectural barriers on Viale Vittorio Veneto n. 5.

Leaving the railway station, cross the square in front and turn into the short street called Via Francesco Crispi which will take you to Viale Kosica. At the traffic lights turn right and follow this road as far as the roundabout. At the roundabout turn into Viale Berengario on the left and continue walking until you reach Largo di Porta S. Agostino (15-20 minutes).

bus routes nos. 7, 11
connections: railway station – Largo di Porta S. Agostino.
By taxi
From the railway station

Leave the Autostrada del Sole (A1 Motorway) at the Modena Nord exit and take the by-pass as far as the “centro storico” exit. After this, follow the signs for “Palazzo dei Musei”.

Recommended parking
Paid parking “Novi Park” in Piazzale Novi Sad (one minute walk from Palazzo dei Musei) or parking in the streets surrounding the Palazzo dei Musei (pay on weekdays).

Please note that access to the historic center over Largo Porta Sant’Agostino is a Limited Traffic Zone.


Opening days

Reading room
from Monday to Thursday 8.30-19.15
Friday 8.30-15.45
Saturday 8.30-13.45

Loan service
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8.30-13.30
Tuesday, Thursday 14.00-19.00
Saturday 8.30-13.30

Historic rooms
Visits are carried out every half hour
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 14.30-17.30 (last visit at 17.00)
Friday and Saturday 9.00-13.00 (last visit at 12.30)


on Friday 31th January the Library will be closed for the patron saint’s holiday, San Geminiano


Further information about photographic reproduction and permission are available in the section PHOTOGRAPHIC ARCHIVES AT GALLERIE ESTENSI.​


Bobi Bazlen. The analysis drawings

from 13 September to 30 November 2024

Exhibition opening hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Saturday: 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Online Catalogues

Biblioteca Estense collaborates with the most important Italian collective catalogs. In addition to the paper catalogs placed in the library, that are being digitized, part of the resources can currently be found in online catalogs.


The digital platform of the Estense University Library


The Biblioteca Estense Universitaria willingly receives publications as gifts from publishers and authors but reserves the right to assess their coherence with its own collection and institutional remit. It is thus not guaranteed that all volumes sent to the library will be accepted, catalogued and made available to users. Before sending any material, please contact Gallerie Estensi in advance at